Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fasted Cardio (Part 2): Intensity Theory In Question?

In Part 1 of this three part series, I set the stage for tackling a potential concern I knew I would be hearing about sooner or later, that is, the idea that fasted cardio somehow disproves or discredits the theory of absolute intensity and thus the theory of fat loss.

(Interestingly enough, a day after I posted that entry, a new article in favor of fasted cardio appeared on the T-Nation website... and also in favor of selling you a bunch of supplements.)

Anyway, like I said previously, this post is not designed to convince you whether fasted cardio works or doesn't work. I'm going to ignore that point entirely because you can read enough about that anywhere. You won't find what I'm about to say anywhere else on the Internet. No mindless rehashing of ideas in this post! Rather, we are going to assume that fasted cardio is effective and take it from there...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fasted Cardio (Part 1): The Theory of Fat Loss Counter Point?

Sooner or later, someone was going to call me and my book out. Someone was going to challenge it. Someone was going to say, "Fasted cardio burns fat very effectively and is completed at a very low absolute intensity. Doesn't that contradict the theory of absolute intensity in your book?"

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Injury Limits to Fat Loss: The Shoulder (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this two part series, I discussed what I believe is the most common cause of shoulder pain. So, if the term "scapulohumeral rhythm" is not familiar to you, I suggest checking out that post before reading this one. Anyway, if the scapula does not move freely when you move your arm, something bad is going to happen (ever hear of impingement?)

You see, when your scapula is allowed to move through it's full ROM, then the muscles have ample space to do their work. If the scapula's ROM is limited, then that space gets closed off. I won't go further into all the technical details, but I will let you know some of the major contributors to poor scapular movement.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Sorry for the delay between posts. I have most of my shoulder series completed, but I still need to put the finishing touches on it. The delay has all been for good reason. You see, over the past few weeks, I have been in discussion with the guys at Fitness Consulting Group to come work with them them full time. Also, I have the Mobile Fitness and Performance Enhancement Seminar to organize as well. That is taking place next weekend.

Needless to say, that has been a distraction and has taken up enough of my time that I haven't found the energy to write a lot. So, look out for part 2 in the next few days. Sorry for the delay!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Injury Limits to Fat Loss: The Shoulder (Part 1)

When it comes to training, nothing can derail you faster than a nagging injury. In the past, I have reviewed low back pain as a major limit when it comes to exercise, and I have also reviewed anterior pelvic tilt as a postural limit to exercise. In fact, those are among my most read entries of all time! So, I've decided to continue the trend of discussing posture and injury in hopes that you stay healthy and can keep on training.

Today, I want to touch on shoulder pain, a common complaint among people just getting into a training program.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Dangling Carrot: Weight Loss Goals (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this two part series, I discussed why setting goals based on what the scale says is not an effective strategy for weight loss. Instead, I suggested that you set habit-based goals because those will set you up for long term success (because let's face it, fat loss is about making a commitment to live and eat healthier, not a 6 week crash course). Weight rarely comes off in a linear, predictable pattern, and thus numerical goals can be very discouraging. If you wanted to lose 30 pounds in 3 months but only lost 5 in the first month, for example, would you really feel all that motivated for the next two months? Habit based goals are black and white. You either follow new habits or you don't. You succeed by simply taking action. Your body can't throw tricks at you. If your goal was to make it to the gym every M, W, and F for 3 months and to take 2 fish oil capsules with every meal and you did that, then you have set yourself up for success and built what I like to call a championship habit.

In this entry, I want to talk about another type of goal... a performance-based goal. This is the second type of goal you should be making in place of a "weight loss" goal.