In Part 1 of this three part series, I set the stage for tackling a potential concern I knew I would be hearing about sooner or later, that is, the idea that fasted cardio somehow disproves or discredits the theory of absolute intensity and thus the theory of fat loss.
(Interestingly enough, a day after I posted that entry, a new article in favor of fasted cardio appeared on the T-Nation website... and also in favor of selling you a bunch of supplements.)
Anyway, like I said previously, this post is not designed to convince you whether fasted cardio works or doesn't work. I'm going to ignore that point entirely because you can read enough about that anywhere. You won't find what I'm about to say anywhere else on the Internet. No mindless rehashing of ideas in this post! Rather, we are going to assume that fasted cardio is effective and take it from there...